Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strives to cultivate an authentic sense of belonging for every member of the Pennington community. The DEI office works to make The Pennington School a fully inclusive campus where all of our students not only excel, but thrive. Our goal is to amplify the voices of our diverse community and our aim is to ensure that all students are at Pennington and of it as well.
We work towards these goals under the leadership of Jacqueline Rivera, director of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and Peter Secrest, assistant director of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Their work is supported by an active committee of dedicated faculty and staff members who work together to build student programs, develop curriculum, provide professional development opportunities, and advocate for all students.
The DEI Office
The purpose of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Office is to enrich our School through increased knowledge of, respect for, and cooperation among different cultures and to amplify diverse perspectives within our community. We provide leadership and safe spaces to discuss and celebrate diversity in all its forms at The Pennington School. In our classes and our clubs, our Chapel services and our dorms, we engage with issues of prejudice about race and ethnicity, gender, age, physical and learning differences, sexual orientation, gender expression and identity, nationality, religion, and socioeconomic class. The overall goal is to help students, staff, faculty, and administrators honor differences while recognizing common values, goals, histories, and relationships.