Writing Center
Improving writing skills across the curriculum
The Writing Center is a resource for all students to improve their writing and communication skills across the curriculum. We work in one-on-one conferences so students develop successful writing strategies they can then use independently in all of their courses. There is no need to sign up ahead of time; just drop in!
Drop-In Hours
After School: Monday through Thursday, 3:00 to 4:00 p.m., in Meckler Library
All members of the Pennington community are welcome to come by and receive one-on-one help with their writing in any subject. We focus mostly on addressing quality of expression, and will make suggestions about how an idea can be more purposefully explained, developed, or structured. Students should arrive with a specific topic they would like to address.
Upper School Humanities Skills Manual
Read The Pennington School's Humanities Skills Manual, an in-depth guide of the key skills of Upper School students in their study of the humanities at Pennington.
Contact Writing Center Director Jordan Aubry at jaubry@pennington.org with questions.