Grades 6-12; Boarding 8-12


Two students in the library on the computer
Our students use today's latest technology to help enrich their learning and their lives.

Technology at Pennington is integrated across the curriculum. Every student receives a device, an Apple laptop provided by the School and included as part of tuition. Offering access to the Internet, familiarity with apps, and the opportunity to read, write, and record in video, audio, and photographic media, the laptop brings the world to Pennington and enhances a shared sense of discovery within the classroom.

All new students receive their new laptops during orientation. Training and additional technology instruction take place online via our learning management system, Schoology. 

Technology promotes experiential, hands-on learning and collaboration. Classes are able to work with shared texts, record experiments, film creative projects, and take notes digitally. Laptops help teachers gain immediate feedback on their students’ understanding. With digital content increasing rapidly, opportunities for creative teaching and active learning abound.

Please see the Student Handbook for more specific information about our acceptable use and other policies related to technology at The Pennington School.