Grades 6-12; Boarding 8-12


Nature & Experience



MAY 15 - OCTOBER 5, 2024

Longtime Pennington School art teachers Dolores Eaton, Caroline Hall, and Mark Ross have each created new work for a group show they have titled Nature & Experience. This show is the culmination of a professional development goal that they all share.

Nature is a connecting theme between all three artists. Eaton, Hall, and Ross all have deep ties to the natural world that tend to surface in their work more often than not. Life cycles, vegetation, and animals (the human animal included) are subject matter that feed the work of all three.

Experience too, unites the work and the artists. The longevity of engagement these artists hold is obvious. Less obvious is their shared belief that art is an experience--an experience that happens in the moments between the idea and the physical act of creating the painting, the photograph, or the sculpture. This experience happens over and over within the process as new ideas come to life with each stroke of the brush, exposure to light, or change of contour. Physical experiences, emotional experiences, and past experiences of creating with one's hands, moving materials, and making the medium behave in the way they want all provide a wealth of content and meaning. 

Silva Gallery of Art 2024


Visiting the Silva Gallery:

Appointments can be made via 609–737–4133 or

Scheduled appointments are available Monday through Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

48 hours of advanced notification is required for appointments as all visitors will need to be placed on our visitor log.

The Silva Gallery is ADA accessible.

Parking: Enter the campus of The Pennington School at the main entrance off of West Delaware Avenue between the two brick pillars. Proceed to the T and turn right, and you will see four visitor spots on the left. If visitor spots are filled, please park in any open spot not marked Admission.