Award eligibility and criteria for each Alumni Award is as follows:
Outstanding Young Alumni Award
The Outstanding Young Alumni Award honors a Pennington graduate of the past fifteen years, with preference for alumni in reunion years, who has made significant contributions to civic or professional pursuits; whose life is characterized by creativity, curiosity, and determination; and who reflects the highest ideals of The Pennington School.
Alumni Service Award
The Alumni Service Award is given to a Pennington graduate, with preference for alumni in reunion years, whose efforts to give back to the community and/or The Pennington School reflect the highest ideals of the School. The recipient is someone who inspires others by modeling sensitivity or generosity.
Alumni Achievement Award
The Alumni Achievement Award is given to a Pennington graduate who has achieved excellence in their chosen field and who has made a commitment to helping others. The recipient is someone who inspires others with their achievement and who reflects the highest ideals of The Pennington School.