Grades 6-12; Boarding 8-12


2025 Grandparents Day Registration


Grandparent 1 Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Grandparent 2 Name
First Name
Last Name
Connection to Pennington (check all that apply)required
Type of Address
Is this a new address?
Do any attendees have any food allergies or dietary restrictions?

Student Information

Which of the programs do you plan to attend (based on the grade levels of your grandchildren)?

Please note: If you have grandchildren in both Upper and Middle School, please choose which of the programs you prefer to attend or contact Brittany Forrester by email at or by phone at 609-737-6141 to discuss.

We love to share photos of our events with our Pennington community through social media and inclusion in our School materials. If you have any questions about our photo use or policy, please contact Alicia Reed by email.