Grades 6-12; Boarding 8-12


Horizon Speaker Shares Why Personal Branding Matters

In a digital age where virtually everyone uses social media platforms, an individual’s online presence serves as a sort of currency for their professional lives. According to Major League Soccer’s (MLS) Tammy Castadot, high school is a perfect time for students to think about their own brand identity and how they would like to be perceived on college applications and in the job market. Castadot, who serves as MLS’s vice president of talent acquisition, recently spoke with Pennington seniors about the importance of personal branding, responsible social media activity, and standing out from the crowd.

Addressing the soon-to-be graduates, Castadot emphasized how competitive the job market has become. In her own HR work, Castadot recently received over 700 applicants for a single hire position. The same holds true for internships at MLS; two weeks after posting for fifteen available intern spots, her department has received over 4,000 applicants. “When I am reviewing resumes,” Castadot confided, “I look for who stands out as an individual,” but she also cautioned students that, “90% of employers look at your social media activity, so be mindful about what you’re putting out there and choose platforms that align with your goals.”

Used effectively, social media becomes a powerful networking tool and Castadot underscored the importance of networking several times during her visit. “Networking isn’t just these formal events you have to go to,” she said. “Networking is every interaction that you have,” including online platforms like LinkedIn. “Grow your network and use it to get your voice heard in rooms where decisions happen.” 

This recent visit marked Castadot’s third year speaking to seniors as part of the School’s Horizon program, and this year’s group peppered the MLS executive with plenty of questions about college majors, internship opportunities, and interview turn-offs. “The biggest personal branding fail I see is arrogance,” said Castadot. “No one wants to work with ego.” She labeled adaptability and listening skills as the most valuable assets a candidate can possess, advising students to “listen to feedback and make the most of what’s in front of you. Ask questions,” she encouraged, “and stay off your phones! Remember, your personal brand isn’t just online. It’s how you carry yourself at home, at school, and with your peers.”