Grades 6-12; Boarding 8-12


Pennington team finishes in fourth place in American Computer Science League contest

2022 is the fourth year in a row that Pennington’s team finished in the top four places in the ACSL international contest. From October through May, eighteen students devoted time during lunch periods and evenings to learn and prepare, and then participate in the competition that challenged them on college-level concepts and coding. In addition to the team success, twelve students earned the individual honor of an invitation to the All-Star finals. Twelfth-graders Anna Zhang, Ben Jiang, and David Zhang, as well as tenth-grader Shinyi Li had individual scores in the 90th percentile. They were joined as invitees to the All-Star finals by Akshay Arun ’22, Ryan He ’24, Jimmy Hong ’23, Gloria Liu ’23, Merrick Liu ’22, Frani Pendus ’23, Avery Sichel ’22, and Siyi Yang ’25.

Congratulations to the entire team and their advisor Len Leib!