Grades 6-12; Boarding 8-12


The philanthropic support of our alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends is one of the key reasons we can provide an outstanding education for our students.

Your support is a critical investment in The Pennington School. These funds help us to attract and keep the best teachers and to provide them with the tools they need in the classroom. Your support of the Pennington Fund is necessary to maintain and expand the wide range of programs offered each year to Pennington students.

We count on each member of the Pennington community to participate. Make your first donation to Pennington a gift to the Pennington Fund. Then, like many parents, alumni, and friends, make additional contributions in the form of Corporate Matching Gifts, Capital or Endowment Gifts, and Planned Gifts.

Unrestricted funding with flexibility to respond to the School’s greatest needs and opportunities
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Pennington's cupola in fall colors

Pennington Fund

Funding for scholarships, Meckler Library, faculty housing and salary increases, technology, and more
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Students smiling walking across campus


Make a planned gift to help provide future generations of students with an exceptional learning experience.
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Planned Giving