The Pennington Fund
The Pennington Fund is the cornerstone of all fundraising at Pennington, and provides annual, unrestricted dollars for the School’s operating budget and allows Pennington to address unforeseen needs that may arise. Gifts to the Pennington Fund sustain and enrich every aspect of the student experience, and can be designated to eight different priority areas: Arts; Athletics; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives; the Edmund V. Cervone Center for Learning; Faculty Professional Development; Financial Aid; or where needed most. Learn more here.
Campaign Unrestricted Fund
Support to the Forever Pennington campaign’s unrestricted fund provides the investment needed to cover the increased expenses needed to ensure the success of the campaign, without drawing additional funds from the School’s endowment or burdening the operating budget. The Campaign Unrestricted Fund also provides needed flexibility to ensure capital projects with complex construction can proceed on schedule as multi-year restricted commitments for these projects are fulfilled. This fund is critical to the success of the fundraising endeavors and helps cover short-term increased costs that support campaign operations.
The Pennington School Endowment
Unrestricted endowment gifts to Pennington are an important source of financial strength and sustainability. Donors who make unrestricted gifts to Pennington’s endowment through outright gifts and realized bequests are making significant contributions to the School’s future success and providing funding in perpetuity for financial aid, faculty professional development, academic programs, and campus improvements.
To learn more, please contact Assistant Head of School for Advancement and Strategic Initiatives Charlie Brown at 609–737–6103 or
Every Gift CountsThe Forever Pennington campaign calls for each member of our community to be as bold as the School’s founders and as generous as those who first believed in and supported their vision. We aim to create an enduring future for Pennington, honoring our core values and bolstering our mission to develop individual excellence in every student. We invite you to be part of our community of Pennington alumni, parents, and friends who are making a difference as we build the School’s future together. All gifts to The Pennington School, including gifts to the Pennington Fund, are counted toward the campaign. The time is now…FOREVER PENNINGTON. |